Thursday, January 20, 2011

WU TANG CLAN in Chicago.

Tony (, Jasmine(, John, and I went and saw Wu Tang Clan at the Congress Theater in Chicago, IL.   I mean, what else do I really need to say?
It was awesome. They put on an AMAZING show.  We ate some great food, and had an all around great trip. Nothing better than a roadtrip with great friends.... I guess seeing Wu Tang was ok too.


 Ok ok ok.  So, I know I'm really late on this, seeing as it's already the end of January, but I wanted to post a few flicks from the month I spent "down under".

I flew to Melbourne, Australia to hang out with my good friends from Tattoos Down Under Magazine and of course all the awesome people at Chapel Tattoo. They are some of the coolest people I know, and I LOVE going out there.  Everyone is extremely friendly,  and the tattoos coming out of Chapel are top notch.  A bunch of us went to New Zealand  for the tattoo convention, and hand a great time there as well.
Thanks so much to Nicole Reed, Everyone at Chapel tattoo and everyone I hung out with during the trip. I have so much fun with you guys!!
Be sure to check out their websites. They can be found in my links.

Here's a few pics from the trip.....